Cataract Surgery :-
A cataract is the normal clouding of the natural lens of the eye. This is a normal part of the aging process. Uncommonly it is also seen in young age in certain people (diabetics) and in certain situations (trauma or congenital cataracts). The normal function of the natural lens is to focus the image of what we are looking at precisely on the retina. With clouding not only the clarity but color, contrast sensitivity and the lens’ natural flexibility decrease. The end result, in extreme cases, is blindness. But this is easily corrected by cataract surgery when the opaque lens is removed by a method called phacoemulcification and replaced by an Intra Ocular Lens (IOL).

Cataract Surgery Aligarh
With the advancements in technology, the variety of IOLs available are vast with ones available for almost every eye variation. Most cataract surgeries can now be performed under topical anaesthesia, that is, without any injections and bandage, by the use of local anesthetic eye drops. In most cases, before the patient even knows it, the cataract surgery is done and they walk out of the operation theatre seeing with new clarity and brightness.
Types of Cataract
Apart from age related cataracts, which begin forming when you are in your 40s or 50s and mature by the time you are in your 60s, other types of cataracts are:
- Congenital cataract: These are seen in new-born or in early childhood, usually in both the eyes. They are often very small in size and do not affect vision. If they start affecting vision, they need to be removed.
- Secondary cataract: These can form secondary to eye surgeries such as surgery for glaucoma. Cataracts can also form due to other health problems such as diabetes or if you have been using steroids for some time.
- Traumatic cataract: Some people develop a cataract after an eye injury, sometimes after several years of injury.
- Radiation cataract: This cataract develops in people exposed to some types of radiation.